In conventional charge-pump PLLs, if the third high-frequency pole is ignored, the system comprises of two poles and a zero. The transfer function of such a system is second-order low pass, which in some part of its frequency spectrum, the amplitude response |H| goes above unity. This translates to jitter-peaking, which in turn amplifies the input phase noise. Depending on damping factor or ζ, this jitter-peaking could be large or small. In this paper, a dual-path PLL with an additional Voltage Controlled Delay Line (VCDL) is presented that removes the jitter-peaking by adjusting the frequency values of the zero and poles in the PLL transfer function. In this new architecture, by increasing the VCO's gain (Kvco) the output phase noise is reduced. Designed and simulated in 65 nm CMOS and operating with a reference frequency of 12.5 MHz, the proposed PLL provides a spur level of −45dBc. The presented PLL exhibits an in-band phase noise of −117dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and total power consumption of 10.5 mW.