Abstract Lone pair cations like Pb 2+ are extensively utilized to modify and tune physical properties, such as nonlinear optical property and ferroelectricity, of some specific structures owing to their preference to adopt a local distorted coordination environment. Here we report that the incorporation of Pb 2+ into the polar “114”-type structure of CaBaZn 2 Ga 2 O 7 leads to an unexpected cell volume expansion of CaBa 1- x Pb x Zn 2 Ga 2 O 7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1), which is a unique structural phenomenon in solid state chemistry. Structure refinements against neutron diffraction and total scattering data and theoretical calculations demonstrate that the unusual evolution of the unit cell for CaBa 1- x Pb x Zn 2 Ga 2 O 7 is due to the combination of the high stereochemical activity of Pb 2+ with the extremely strained [Zn 2 Ga 2 O 7 ] 4− framework along the c -axis. The unprecedented cell volume expansion of the CaBa 1− x Pb x Zn 2 Ga 2 O 7 solid solution in fact is a macroscopic performance of the release of uniaxial strain along c -axis when Ba 2+ is replaced with smaller Pb 2+ .