Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is one of the most economically important oilseed crops worldwide. In Japan, it has been cultivated for more than a century and has formed many feral populations. The aim of this study was to elucidate the genetic diversity of feral rapeseeds by genotyping 537 individuals (among which 130 were determined to be genetically modified) sampled from various regions in Japan. Analysis of 30 microsatellite markers amplified 334 alleles and indicated moderate genetic diversity and high inbreeding (expected heterozygosity, 0.50; observed heterozygosity, 0.16; inbreeding coefficient within individuals, 0.68) within the feral populations. The Mantel test showed only an insignificant weak positive correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance. Analysis of molecular variance showed a greater genetic diversity among individuals than between populations. These results are in accordance with population structure assessed by using principal coordinate analysis and the program STRUCTURE, which showed that the 537 individuals could be assigned to 8 genetic clusters with very large genetic differences among individuals within the same geographic population, and that among feral individuals, many are closely related to rapeseed accessions in the NARO Genebank but some have unknown origins. These unique feral rapeseeds are likely to be affected by strong selection pressure. The results for genetically modified individuals also suggest that they have two different sources and have a considerable degree of diversity, which might be explained by hybridization with nearby individuals and separation of hybrid cultivars. The information obtained in this study could help improve the management of feral rapeseed plants in Japan.