The intensive progress of information technology increases the demand for urgent development of practical materials for microwave absorption (MA), meeting the general requirement “thin, wide, light and strong”. In the past 6 years, graphene is of great interest for MA performance due to its unique properties such as high specific surface area, high electrical conductivity, strong dielectric loss, and low density. Taking in account that the structure of absorber plays a key role in MA performance, the attempts to produce an efficient microwave absorbing materials (MAMs) have led to 3D graphene – aerogels and foams - due to their extremely high porosity, large specific surface area, excellent mechanical properties with ability of compression and further maintaining the original shape, lightweight, reduced agglomeration of graphene sheets. All listed parameters enhance the impedance matching of MAMs, generate the synergistic loss effects, thereby improving the MA properties. The review describes the bases of MA theory and summarizes the recent achievements in the fabrication of pure 3D graphene networks and their composites with magnetic, ceramic nanoparticles and nanowires, polymers, MXenes, and multicomponent systems, directed to improve the impedance matching and generate loss mechanisms for the overall improvement of their performance as MAMs.