Abstract Meiotic crossovers (COs) ensure proper chromosome segregation and redistribute the genetic variation that is transmitted to the next generation. Large populations and the demand for genome-wide, fine-scale resolution challenge existing methods for CO identification. Taking advantage of linked-read sequencing, we develop a highly efficient method for genome-wide identification of COs at kilobase resolution in pooled recombinants. We first test this method using a pool of Arabidopsis F 2 recombinants, and recapitulate results obtained from the same plants using individual whole-genome sequencing. By applying this method to a pool of pollen DNA from an F 1 plant, we establish a highly accurate CO landscape without generating or sequencing a single recombinant plant. The simplicity of this approach enables the simultaneous generation and analysis of multiple CO landscapes, accelerating the pace at which mechanisms for the regulation of recombination can be elucidated through efficient comparisons of genotypic and environmental effects on recombination.