Introduction Geof Alred, Mike Byram and Mike Fleming 1. Becoming a 'better stranger': a therapeutic perspective on intercultural experience as/and education Geof Alred 2. For a flexible model of intercultural understanding Lothar Bredella 3. On being 'bicultural' and 'intercultural' Mike Byram 4. Learning to be intercultural Leah Davcheva 5. Intercultural experience and drama Mike Fleming 6. An experience of interculturality: student travellers abroad Elizabeth Murphy-Lejeune 7. Ethnography and cultural practice: ways of learning during residence abroad Celia Roberts 8. Searching for the intercultural person Phyllis M Ryan 9. Changing the focus: a discussion of the dynamics of the intercultural experience Amita Sen Gupta 10. English for the English: an intercultural approach David Stevens 11. A framework for teaching and learning 'intercultural competence' Susanne Weber 12. The recognition of intercultural competences: from individual experience to certification Genevieve Zarate Afterword Lothar Bredella