Abstract Background We conducted an updated systematic review and meta‐analysis to examine the prevalence of depleted iron stores among persons infected with H elicobacter pylori compared to uninfected ones. We also assessed the impact of anti‐ H . pylori eradication therapy plus iron therapy on ferritin and hemoglobin levels compared to iron therapy alone. Methods A literature search was conducted using the databases M edline, the C ochrane L ibrary, C ochrane C entral R egister of C ontrolled T rials, EMBASE , and the S cience C itation I ndex E xpanded. Observational studies with methodological quality score of 13 (median score) and above, on a scale of 0–16, and all randomized controlled trials ( RCT s) were eligible for the meta‐analyses. Pooled point estimates and 95% confidence intervals ( CI ) were obtained using the random effects model. Results Compared to uninfected persons, H . pylori ‐infected individuals showed increased likelihood of iron deficiency anemia (14 observational studies); pooled OR 1.72 (95% CI 1.23–2.42); iron deficiency (pooled OR 1.33; 95% CI 1.15–1.54; 30 studies); and anemia (pooled OR 1.15; 95% CI 1.00–1.32; 23 studies). Meta‐analyses of seven RCT s showed increased ferritin, standardized mean difference ( SMD ) 0.53 (95% 0.21–0.85), but not hemoglobin, SMD 0.36 (95% −0.07 to 0.78), Pv=.1, following anti ‐ H . pylori eradication therapy plus iron therapy as compared with iron therapy alone. Significant heterogeneity was found among studies, as well as evidence of publication bias. Conclusions Current evidence indicates increased likelihood of depleted iron stores in relation to H . pylori infection. H . pylori eradication therapy, added to iron therapy, might be beneficial in increasing ferritin and hemoglobin levels.