The method of high-dose chemotherapy is limited quantity and quality of hematopoietic material used in transplantation. In this article on own material (56 apheresis procedures) there was performed a comparative analysis of the efficacy of several mobilization regimens. In 35 patients (63%) apheresis was initiated with using DHAP ([D]examethasone; [H]igh-dose [A] ra-C; [P]latinol) + G-CSF (group No 1); in 9 patients (16%) apheresis was initiated with regimen of HDCyc ([H]igh [D] ose [Cyc]lophosphamide) + G-CSF (group No 2); in 12 patients (21%) apheresis was performed using a combination of plerixafor and pegfilgrastim (group No 3). It was shown that all three of the proposed regimens were found to be as effective. In all groups, patients failed to receive an enough amount of CD34 + cells. At the same time using new mobilizing agent plerixafor in combination with prolonged action G-CSF pegfilgrastim showed some advantages: low toxicity of this combination, which does not needs to additional blood components, antibacterial and antifungal agents, and the possibility of its use in the outpatient setting.