Hard tablets and capsules for oral drug delivery cause problems for people experiencing dysphagia. This work describes the formulation and properties of a gelatin based, self-preserved, and soft chewable tablet as an alternative and novel drug delivery format.Gelatin (8.8-10% in 24.7-29% water) constituted the matrix of the soft, semi-solid tablets. Three different pharmaceuticals (Ibuprofen 10%, Acetaminophen 15%, and Meloxicam 1.5%) were tested in this formulation. Microbial stability was controlled by lowering the water activity with a mixture of sorbitol and xylitol (45.6-55%). Rheological properties were tested applying small strain oscillation measurements. Taste masking of ibuprofen soft-chew tablets was achieved by keeping the ibuprofen insoluble at pH 4.5 and keeping the processing temperature below the crystalline-to-amorphous transition temperature.Soft-chew formulations showed good stability for all three pharmaceuticals (up to 24 months), and the ibuprofen containing formulation exhibited comparable dissolution to a standard oral tablet as well as good microbial stability. The rheological properties of the ibuprofen/gelatin formulation had the fingerprint of a true gelatin gel, albeit higher moduli, and melting temperature.The results suggest that easy-to-swallow and well taste-masked soft chewable tablet formulations with extended shelf life are within reach for several active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).