Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is a challenging clinical problem. Although in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer technology has made remarkable advances, RIF remains a significant obstacle to achieving a successful pregnancy. A unified criterion of diagnosis and treatment for RIF has yet to be created. The etiology of RIF is complicated, including maternal, male, and embryonic factors. Maternal factors include dysimmunity, prethrombotic state, poor endometrial receptivity, infection, anatomical abnormalities, and endocrine disorders. The complexity and diversity of etiologies of RIF require clinicians to individualize the strategy of diagnosis and treatment for RIF patients. This consensus will provide the most relevant evidence to date for the examination, evaluation, and management of RIF, provide a reference for clinicians to make decisions, and standardize the diagnosis and treatment of RIF.反复种植失败(RIF)是一个具有挑战性的临床难题。尽管近年来体外受精-胚胎移植技术飞速发展,RIF仍是影响女性成功妊娠的重要问题,至今难以形成统一的诊疗标准。RIF病因复杂,包括母体因素、男性因素和胚胎因素,其中母体因素又包括免疫异常、血栓前状态、子宫内膜容受性不良、感染、生殖系统解剖结构异常和内分泌稳态失衡等。RIF病因的复杂性和多样性决定了在临床工作中需针对不同病因制订个性化诊疗方案。本共识将为RIF的检查、评估和管理提供建议,为医生的决策提供参考,规范RIF诊治。.