Transcriptional and post-translational regulation of MITF mediated by bHLH domain during the melanogenesis and melanocyte proliferation in Crassostrea gigas
Melanocyte differentiation is orchestrated by the master regulator transcription factor MITF. However, its ability to discern distinct binding sites linked to effective gene regulation remains poorly understood. This study aims to assess how co-activator acetyltransferase interacts with MITF to modulate their related lysine action, thereby mediating downstream gene regulation, including DNA affinity, stability, transcriptional activity, particularly in the process of shell pigmentation. Here, we have demonstrated that the CgMITF protein can be acetylated, further enabling selective amplification of the melanocyte maturation program. Collaboration with transcriptional co-regulator p300 advances MITF dynamically interplay with downstream targeted gene promoters. We have established that MITF activation was partially dependent on the bHLH domain, which was well conserved across species. The bHLH domain contained conserved lysine residues, including K6 and K43, which interacted with the E-box motif of downstream targeted-genes. Mutations at K6 and K43 lead to a decrease in the binding affinity of the E-box motif. CgMITF protein bound to the E-box motif within the promoter regions of the tyrosinase-related genes, contributing to melanogenesis, and also interacted with the E-box motif within the TBX2 promoter regions, associated with melanocyte proliferation. We elucidated how the bHLH domain links the transcriptional regulation and acetylation modifications in the melanocyte development in C. gigas.