Recent advances in single-particle photothermal circular dichroism (PT CD) and photothermal magnetic circular dichroism (PT MCD) microscopy have shown strong promise for diverse applications in chirality and magnetism. Photothermal circular dichroism microscopy measures direct differential absorption of left- and right-circularly polarized light by a chiral nanoobject and thus can measure a pure circular dichroism signal, which is free from the contribution of circular birefringence and linear dichroism. Photothermal magnetic circular dichroism, which is based on the polar magneto-optical Kerr effect, can probe the magnetic properties of a single nanoparticle (of sizes down to 20 nm) optically. Single-particle measurements enable studies of the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of magnetism at the nanoscale. Both PT CD and PT MCD have already found applications in chiral plasmonics and magnetic nanomaterials. Most importantly, the advent of these microscopic techniques opens possibilities for many novel applications in biology and nanomaterial science.