An ischemic stroke typically accompanies numerous disorders ranging from somatosensory dysfunction to cognitive impairments, inflicting patients with various neurologic symptoms. Among pathologic outcomes, post-stroke olfactory dysfunctions are frequently observed. Despite the well-known prevalence, therapy options for such compromised olfaction are limited, likely due to the complexity of olfactory bulb architecture, which encompasses both the peripheral and central nervous systems. As photobiomodulation (PBM) emerged for treating ischemia-associated symptoms, the effectiveness of PBM on stroke-induced impairment of olfactory function was explored. Novel mouse models with olfactory dysfunctions were prepared using photothrombosis (PT) in the olfactory bulb on day 0. The post-PT PBM was performed daily from day 2 to day 7 by irradiating the olfactory bulb via an 808 nm laser with a fluence of 40 J/cm2 (325 mW/cm2 for 2 smin per day). The buried food test (BFT) was used to score behavioral acuity in food-deprived mice to assess the olfactory function before PT, after PT, and after PBM. Histopathological examinations and cytokine assays were performed on the mouse brains harvested on day 8. The results from BFT were specific to an individual, with positive correlations between the baseline latency time measured before PT and its alteration at the ensuing stages for both the PT and PT + PBM groups. Also, the correlation analysis in both groups showed highly similar, significant positive relationships between the early and late latency time change independent of PBM, implicating a common recovery mechanism. Particularly, PBM treatment accelerated the recovery of impaired olfaction following PT by suppressing inflammatory cytokines and enhancing both glial and vascular factors (e.g., GFAP, IBA-1, and CD31). PBM therapy during the acute phase of ischemia improves the compromised olfactory function by modulating microenvironments and inflammation status of the affected tissue.