With the rapidly increasing use of AI and machine learning in recent years and the current generative AI revolution, it is no surprise that the malicious use of AI has begun to establish it- self in the realm of cybersecurity. At risk of being left behind in this “arms race”, it’s imperative that autonomous intelli- gent cybersecurity agent (AICAs) are developed to counter this emerging threat. Currently, a project at Argonne National Laboratory is using Soar as a starting point for developing a cognitive-architecture based AICA, but the utilization of Soar in this project has shortcomings, in particular the lack of modern AI principles to generate novel analysis in the face of novel situations. Generative AI has the potential to allow a Soar cognitive agent to consider a much broader range of con- textual information, and learn from past episodic knowledge in novel ways by using transformer architectures. This paper focuses on the theoretical integration of Generative AI into the Soar cognitive architecture from a cybersecurity stand- point, and discuss the advantages to doing so.