D. Rideau,Wilfried Uhring,R.A. Bianchi,Rémi Helleboid,Gabriel Mugny,Jérémy Grebot,Jean–Robert Manouvrier,Robert L. Neri,Francesco Brun,Mohammadreza Dolatpoor Lakeh,Sven Rink,J-B. Kammerer,Christophe Lallement,Elsa Lacombe,Dominique Golanski,B. Rae,T. M. Bah,F. Twaddle,V. Quenette,Guillaume Marchand,C. Buj,Raphaël Fillon,Y. Henrion,Isobel Nicholson,Megan Agnew,M. Basset,R. Perrier,Mohammed A. Al-Rawhani,Bastien Mamdy,Serena De Pellegrin,G. Gouget,P. Maciazek,A. Juge,A. Dartigues,H. Wehbe Alause
The dynamics of the SPAD avalanche is a stochastic process that impacts the overall pixel performance, for high count rate and low-power applications. In this paper, we present a novel on-pixel measurement technique, the analysis of the stochastic transient responses and a statistical approach for the modeling of SPAD transient behavior.