Mechanical ventilation serves as crucial life support for critically ill patients. Although it is life-saving prolonged ventilation carries risks and complications like barotrauma, Ventilator-associated pneumonia, sepsis, and many others. Optimizing patient-ventilator interactions and facilitating early weaning is necessary for improved intensive care unit (ICU) outcomes. Traditionally Pressure support ventilation (PSV) mode is widely used for weaning patients who are intubated and mechanically ventilated. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) mode of the ventilator is an emerging ventilator mode that delivers pressure depending on the patient's respiratory drive, which in turn prevents over-inflation and improves the patient's ventilator interactions. Our article revises and compares the effectiveness of NAVA compared to PSV ventilation under different contexts. Overall we conclude that NAVA level of ventilation can be safely administered in a patient with acute respiratory failure, provided diaphragmatic paralysis is not considered. NAVA improves asynchrony index, wean-off time, and sleep quality and is associated with increased ventilator-free days. These results are based on small-scale studies with low power, and further studies are warranted in large-scale cohorts with more diverse populations to confirm these results.