Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Reliable detection of MDD is the basis for early and successful intervention in treating the disorder and preventing disability. We introduce a novel feature extraction method, the in-phase matrix profile (pMP), which is specifically adapted for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. Methods: The pMP characterizes general self-similarity of an EEG signal. The method extracts overlapping one-second-long subsegments from an EEG signal segment, calculates Euclidean distances between all possible subsegment pairs, and subsequently uses the distance values, where subsegments are most in phase, to calculate pMP. The method was applied to the resting-state eyes-closed EEG data of an MDD group and age- and gender-matched healthy controls (66 subjects). Higuchi's fractal dimension (HFD) values were calculated for the same groups for comparison. Results: Both pMP and HFD values were higher in MDD. The pMP successfully distinguished MDD and control group in all 30 EEG channels. In contrast, HFD resulted in statistically significant group distinguishability in 13 (43%) channels located mainly in the central region of the head. The highest classification accuracy for pMP was 73% and for HFD 67%. Conclusion: The present article shows that pMP outperforms HFD in detecting MDD and is a promising method for future MDD studies. Significance: The pMP is a sensitive parameter-free method for detecting MDD that can be used in future studies and is a potential method to reach clinical use for diagnosing MDD.