Recent data from the literature suggest a greater role of chronic venous insufficiency in the pathogenesis of a variety of brain disorders than previously thought. The more perfect method of imaging the structure and brain function contributed to it. The method of choice in the diagnosis of cerebral venous insufficiency are: Color Doppler of neck vessels, TCCD (transcranial color coded duplex) and TOF (time of flight) MR angiography of the brain and carotid vessels. Under physiological conditions, the flow in veins of the brain is one-way, to the heart. In pathological conditions, there is a reverse blood flow to the brain, which is the essence of the chronic venous insufficiency of brain. It is considered that cerebral venous disorders may underlie a number of diseases of the nervous system. This paper describes the role of venous circulatory disorders of the brain in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, the total transient amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, transient monocular blindness, headaches, spontaneous intracranial hypertension. It seems that the correct function of the venous system plays an important role in maintaining brain function. We need further research in this area to better understanding the relationship between the venous pathology of the brain and diseases of the nervous system.