Abstract : Two important advances over the past 40 years enable the optimization and management of the structural integrity of components in high performance applications. First, the solid mechanics conununity established linear elastic fracture mechanics as the premier framework for modeling the damage tolerance of fracture critical components (Irwin and Wells, 1997; Paris, 1998). Second, materials scientists developed metals with outstanding balances of high tensile strength and high fracture toughness (Garrison, 1990; Wells, 1993; Boyer, 1993; Starke and Staley, 1995; Olson, 1997; Kolts, 1996). An example of achievable strength-toughness properties is provided in Fig. 1, a plot of plane strain fracture toughness vs. tensile yield strength (sigma-YS) for ultra-high strength steels (UHSS) and beta-Ti alloys precipitation hardened with a phase (Gangloff 2001). New nano-scale characterization and high performance computational methods provide for additional advances in the mechanical performance properties of structural metals. These modem alloys and analysis tools satisfy technological needs for optimization and management of component performance in demanding fatigue and fracture critical applications in the aerospace, marine, energy, transportation, and defense sectors.