Single fertilizer nitrogen rate of 146 kg N ha −1 for sugarbeet is outdated. Sugarbeet–fertilizer nitrogen recommendation should consider soil characteristics. Sugarbeet yield and sugar content was optimized at 112 kg N ha −1 . In‐season soil nitrogen and red‐edge normalized difference vegetative index can predict yield response to nitrogen. Economic optimum nitrogen rate varies from 0 to 405 kg N ha −1 . Fertilizer N application is critical to optimize sugarbeet ( Beta vulgaris L.) yield and sugar concentration. Regardless of observed yields, current fertilizer recommendations in North Dakota and Minnesota suggest a single application rate of 146 kg N ha −1 (considering both fertilizer N residual soil N of 120 cm depth) for the Red River Valley (RRV) irrespective of soil type and organic matter content. Field experiments were conducted at three sites to determine sugarbeet response to N application rates, 0, 112, 146, 179, and 213 kg N ha −1 and optimal N rate during 2015 and 2016 growing seasons. Year and site had a significant effect on yield and sugar concentration. In 2015, fertilizer‐N significantly increased yield for all three sites, but in 2016, only one site responded to N. The highest N rate (213 kg N ha −1 ) reduced sugar concentration in 2016. In‐season soil available N (of 0–120 cm) significantly correlated with yield ( R 2 = 0.35) and economic return ( R 2 = 0.28). In season, red edge normalized difference vegetative index (RENDVI) based on the handheld optical sensor was significantly ( P < 0.05) related to fertilizer‐N application rate. Economic optimum N rate for three sites varied from 0 to 405 kg N ha −1 depending on year and site characteristics. Our results suggest a revision of current sugarbeet fertilizer N recommendation to replace the single rate with N rates based on site characteristics and profitability to N applications.