In this paper, we have presented the impact of swift heavy ion beam irradiation on the structural, microstructural, electrical and magnetic properties of $Sn_{0.9}Mn_{0.1}O_{2}$ thin films. The structural and electrical results have been interpreted by using properties of native or point defects, whereas the magnetic and morphological variations have been explained in terms of conductivity of material. Efforts have been made to summarize the properties of all possible charged and neutral point defects ($V_{Sn}^{4-}$, $Sn_{i}^{4+}$, $V_{O}^{0}$, $O_{i}^{2-}$, $Sn_{O}^{4+}$, $O_{Sn}^{2-}$, $H_{O}^{+}$) and afterwards from the correlation between experimentally-observed and theoretically-calculated results various interesting conclusions have been drawn.