A compact asymmetrical directional coupler (ADC) based on coupling between a conventional subwavelength grating (SWG) and a bricked subwavelength grating (BSWG) is proposed to realize broadband polarization beam splitter (PBS) with high extinction ratio (ER) on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. Apart from conventional SWG structural parameters (duty cycle and period), the BSWG is utilized to provide a new design space to control TE and TM modal effective index for accurate phase match. Accordingly, as to the TM mode, it is possible to satisfy phase-matching condition and then can be coupled more efficiently with higher ER by introducing the BSWG. Meanwhile, there is a significant phase mismatch for the TE mode. In this way, the proposed PBS that separates TE and TM mode to the through and cross ports can be realized. Simulation results show that the proposed PBS with a compact coupling length of 8.4 μ m can achieve a high ER of 35.06 dB and an insertion loss of 0.25 dB for the TM mode at 1.55 μ m, while the ER is 18.92 dB and insertion loss is 0.01 dB for the TE mode. Moreover, the operating bandwidth is up to 300 nm (1400 ∼ 1700 nm) for the TE mode and 155 nm (1487 ∼ 1642 nm) for the TM mode when the ER is >15 dB. • We propose a new type of ADC-based PBS by using bricked SWG structure to control the TE and TM modal effective indices preciously. • The device has a compact coupling length of 8 . 4 μ m, the IL and ER are 0.01 dB (0.25 dB) and 18.92 dB (35.06 dB) for TE (TM) modes at 1 . 55 μ m. • The operating bandwidth is up to 300 nm (1400 ∼ 1700 nm) for the TE mode and 155 nm (1487 ∼ 1642 nm) for the TM mode when the ER is >15 dB. • We believe that novel subwavelength geometries will pave the way toward ever increasing adoption of subwavelength engineered devices in mass scale fabrication processes.