Comprehensive assessment of the impact of land use and hydrogeological properties on the groundwater quality in Taiwan using factor and cluster analyses
This study aims at making a comprehensive assessment of the impact of land use and the hydrogeological properties on groundwater quality. First, factor analysis (FA) is applied to reveal the main pollutant sources and hydrogeological processes controlling the groundwater quality. FA identifies the four most important factors. Factor 1 (seawater salinization) is characterized by a medium loading of land use type of aquaculture. It is recognized that the high scores for factor 1 in coastal areas are due to over-pumping from aquafarms. Focused land use management is required to prevent saline-water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Factor 3 (nitrate pollution) shows high correlations with the land use type of fruit farming and the gravel thickness in unsaturated layers. High scores for factor 3 are also found in the proximal area of the Chuoshui River Alluvial Fan and the northeastern mountain area in the Pingtung Plain. Fruit farmers should be educated to reduce the application of fertilizers and promote the organic fruit farming. The impacts of land use and the hydrogeological properties on both Factor 2 (arsenic enrichment) and Factor 4 (reductive dissolution of Fe2+ and Mn2+) are negligible. Second, cluster analysis (CA) is performed on computed scores of the four main factors to separates 123 monitoring wells into cluster 1 (low polluted zone), cluster 2 (nitrate polluted zone) and cluster 3 (hybrid polluted zone). The results obtained from CA provide practical applications such as reduce agrichemical use in the areas of cluster 2 and enforce intensive monitoring in the prioritizing areas of cluster 3. This study successively uses the FA and CA to extract the meaningful information present by geographical visualization of scores for 4 main factors and 3 distinct clusters zones. The results are essential for formulating sound groundwater resource and land use management policies to ensure groundwater sustainability.