Fabrication, characterization and performance analysis of different Ag/PVA nanocomposite membranes for debenzenation of model pyrolysis gasoline using pervaporation
According to EURO IV and EURO V, benzene in gasoline should not exceed 1 volume%, to prevent environmental pollution and health risks; hence benzene must be removed from pyrolysis gasoline (octane booster), before blending with gasoline. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) based membranes are quite effective for pervaporative separation of hydrocarbon mixtures. The main objective of this work is to fabricate insitu Ag/PVA nanocomposite membranes, using simple solution casting approach, for pervaporative separation of benzene from model pyrolysis gasoline (mixture of benzene/1-octene). Debenzenation of pyrolysis gasoline using PVA-based polymeric membranes was not reported by earlier researchers. The impact of incorporation of nano-Ag in the PVA matrix, on the pervaporative performance of the PVA membrane towards benzene, based on the swelling coefficient, fractional free volume, total flux, separation factor and activation energy, is the novelty of this study. Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, mechanical strength, UV-Vis spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy were used to characterize all the fabricated membranes. The most suitable composite membrane for the intended purpose was identified. The maximum flux and highest separation factor of the said membrane are 4.05 kg/m2/h and 5.51 respectively at 343K operating temperature and 1 mm Hg downstream pressure.