New issues of wind-induced cable vibration, i.e., multi-mode vibrations, increasingly occur in long-span bridges, which are closely associated with underlying damping features. In this study, an analytical method is proposed to identify nonlinear aerodynamic damping in multi-mode wind-induced cable vibrations in fields, involving the assessment of total and mechanical damping. The method is available to extract a series of mono-component resonances/decays from the measured signals based on the analytical mode decomposition (AMD) and random decrement technique (RDT), and then to determine the damping parameters using the Hilbert transform (HT) combined with the smoothing spline or linear least-square fitting. Furthermore, this method is applied to address the vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) of an ultra-long stay cable on the Sutong Bridge. Firstly, the vibrations are reported in terms of a typical event and one-year statistics. Subsequently, the damping parameters are identified to illustrate the in-situ aeroelasticity. The results show that the cable exhibits high-frequency vibrations primarily in the 41st to 43rd modes, and the aerodynamic damping exhibits significant amplitude-dependent nonlinearity. Finally, the damping identifications are employed to reveal the onset mechanism for the vibrations, and a Scruton number (Sc) criterion, i.e., Sc > 5.4, is suggested for mitigating the vibrations.