期刊:ACS energy letters [American Chemical Society] 日期:2025-02-23卷期号:: 1347-1356
Plasmonic metal/semiconductor hetero-nanostructures have attracted tremendous research interests in optoelectronic devices, photocatalysis and photothermal therapy, and related fields. Among various mechanisms of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) induced enhancements, the mechanism of LSPR-induced hot carrier injection has emerged as a particularly powerful and efficient process for modulating charge dynamics, especially in photocatalysis. The efficiency of these hot carrier injections relies on robust metal–semiconductor interfaces, with performance heavily influenced by the composition, crystallinity, and atomic structure of the multi-interfaces involved. This letter explores the mechanisms of LSPR-induced hot carrier injection, highlighting recent advances with emphasis on multi-interfacial engineering to optimize charge dynamics and utilization. These interface-regulated hot carrier processes, combined with enhanced photocatalytic performance, provide new opportunities for further advanced photocatalysis and a wide range of photoelectric conversion applications.