期刊:IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers] 日期:2023-06-12卷期号:21 (3): 3652-3663被引量:6
Objective: We propose a general control framework for task space compliant motion and six-dimensional (6-D) force regulation towards automated robotic ultrasound (US) imaging. The framework endows a position-controlled robotic manipulator with the capability of accurate compliant motion in free space and accurate force control in motion-constrained environment. Methods: An intuitive six degree-of-freedom (6-DoF) admittance control model expressed in an arbitrary Cartesian body frame is mathematically derived with closed-form task space error mapping. Its practical implementation on widely-used collaborative manipulators is proposed to achieve full task space compliant behaviors and accurate 6-D force control. A hybrid control law is presented to achieve good motion accuracy in free space and improved coupled stability in motion-constrained environment. The coupled model of physical human-robot interaction is established and the reason for the improved coupled stability is analyzed through simulation. Results: Evaluation experiments on the proposed control framework were performed to show the effectiveness. The mean error of compliant trajectory following was less than 0.30 mm in free space. The mean relative force and moment control accuracy in three orthogonal directions was better than 0.5% and 0.8%, respectively. The improved coupled stability under the same model parameters was also confirmed by human-robot interaction experiments. Finally, an automated robotic US imaging experiment on a human volunteer in a real clinical scenario was carried out to show the potential application of our proposed framework. Conclusion: Experimental results have shown the advantages of the control framework, including satisfied force control accuracy, high accuracy of compliant motion, improved coupled stability, and system effectiveness on a human volunteer. Note to Practitioners —This paper was motivated by the increasing needs of automated ultrasound (US) scanning for both diagnostic and interventional purpose. Clinical sonographers suffer from repeated workload when performing diagnostic US imaging, which could benefit from automated robotic scanning. Robotic US imaging involves physical interaction between the robot end-effector (i.e., US transducer) and the human body. The dynamics of the interaction is regulated by the control law to guarantee the contact of the US transducer and the safety of the procedure. Most existing works have focused on regulating in-plane contact force in terms of the position without considering the compliance in other dimensions. However, it is not a trivial work to extend the positional compliance to six degree-of-freedom (6-DoF) compliance. As the prevalence of low-cost collaborative robotic arms in medical scenarios, how to perform 6-DoF compliant trajectory following and accurate six-dimensional (6-D) force control on these robotic arms becomes increasingly important. This paper gives a complete general solution to achieve 6-DoF compliant control and 6-D force regulation with accurate kinematics on a position-controlled robotic arm. A hybrid control law is proposed to switch the government of "instantaneous model" and "theoretical model" to achieve compliant motion accuracy in free space and improved coupled stability in motion-constrained environment. No expensive torque sensors and torque control interface are required. And no prior geometric knowledge about the scanning object is needed. We have demonstrated the application for robotic US imaging in a real clinical scenario.