The pursuit of an academic career has been characterised by competition and precarity, which can negatively impact individuals’ academic aspirations. This paper examines academic aspirations of doctoral candidates by providing an in-depth analysis of their career prospects using Weber’s notions of ‘inward calling’ and ‘academic hazards’. It draws on qualitative research using semi-structured interview data with 32 aspiring academics, who are doctoral candidates at a research-intensive university in Australia. The paper discusses the ‘essence of academia’ that underpins ‘inward calling’ and is central to aspiring academics’ motivation. Findings suggest a range of ‘academic hazards’ that aspiring academics expect to encounter in their academic pursuit. Despite the perceived challenges, aspiring academics distance themselves from an idealised ‘golden’ past, and demonstrate an acceptance of and adaptation to the current situation. The paper concludes by discussing some implications for improving the attractiveness of the academic profession in Australia.