CO as an important indicator gas for predicting early spontaneous combustion of coal mainly comes from the oxidation of residual coal in goaf. Low-metamorphic coal has a stronger tendency for spontaneous combustion and is more prone to oxidation to produce CO gas at low temperatures. For example, there are no signs of natural combustion in certain goaf areas of mines, but the CO concentration in the working face continues to exceed the limit, which misleads early natural combustion prediction and warning work. Therefore, taking low metamorphic coal as the main research object, the CO gas production characteristics of different coal samples at low temperatures were determined through temperature-programmed experiments. It was found that the CO gas production rate and concentration of CYM at low temperatures were much higher than those of the other two metamorphic coal samples (approximately 2 times RNM and 3–10 times QM); Determination of content and proportion changes of hydroxyl, aliphatic, Aromatic hydrocarbon and oxygen-containing functional groups in different coal samples before and after heating by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Based on the analysis of CO gas production characteristics of different coal samples, it was found that the intermolecular hydrogen bonds in the hydroxyl groups of CYM and the C-O bonds in the oxygen-containing functional groups decreased significantly. The strongest correlation between intermolecular hydrogen bonds in hydroxyl groups and C-O bonds in oxygen-containing functional groups and the low-temperature CO gas production characteristics of coal is demonstrated; Finally, scanning electron microscopy was used to study the differences in apparent characteristics of different coal samples before and after heating, to determine more complex apparent structures that increase oxygen adsorption sites and promote low-temperature oxidation and CO production of coal during the low-temperature stage. Further guidance will be given to the research on the suppression of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and C-O bonds, as well as the sealing of coal micro pores and crack structures, to improve the targeted application and fire prevention efficiency of fire prevention materials.