The Tour and Travel sector have undergone a transformative shift with the proliferation of online reservation platforms, redefining how individuals plan and secure their travel arrangements. This study critically examines the pivotal aspects of security and trust within the digital landscape of tour and travel websites, aiming to provide a comprehensive comparative analysis.In our increasingly digitised age, the security of sensitive financial and personal data is of utmost importance. Our investigation begins with a thorough analysis of the security precautions taken by a wide-ranging sample of tour and travel websites. The effectiveness of user authentication, data protection protections, and conformance with industry standards are some of the key areas under evaluation. This analysis reveals considerable discrepancies in how these security protocols are applied, potentially exposing weaknesses in particular systems. The foundation of the internet booking procedure is trust, as well. This study evaluates a variety of elements, such as user reviews, website design, pricing transparency, and timeliness of customer support, when evaluating trust-building strategies. The study draws attention to the varying approaches taken by various websites to build trust, which has a big impact on how confident customers are in the booking process. This research explores the practical repercussions of security breaches and trust deficiencies, combining real-world case studies and user input, in addition to security and trust evaluation. These results highlight how these elements have a significant influence on consumer behaviour and brand reputation. This comparison analysis highlights the critical requirement for uniform and strong security safeguards across all online booking systems, to sum up. At the same time, it highlights how crucial it is to create trust-enhancing strategies like open pricing and attentive customer care. This research is a useful resource for industry stakeholders, regulatory agencies, and consumers in an era where digital travel planning and booking predominates, enabling informed decision-making and supporting a safe and reliable online booking environment. Additionally, a key element affecting customer choices during the online booking process is trust. This study considers factors including user reviews, website design, pricing transparency, and customer service responsiveness to gauge trustworthiness. It becomes clear that different websites employ quite different trust-building techniques, which has an effect on users' faith in the reservation process.