A heavy equipment shelter has a large number of installed equipment, heavy equipment weight, multiple cooling pipelines, and multiple doors and windows around it. The structural stiffness and strength requirements for the shelter were high under the lifting and transportation conditions. The finite element analysis technology was introduced into the design process, the rationality of the structural design was verified, meanwhile, the quality of structural design has been improved. In response to the installation and layout characteristics of large equipment in this type of shelter, key analysis and local reinforcement were carried out on the bearing area, and a finite element model of the shelter structure was established. A static analysis was conducted on the stiffness and strength of the shelter structure under adverse working conditions, and the corresponding stress and strain states were obtained, so that the design requirements could be met. The analysis results indicated that the structural design of a heavy equipment shelter was reasonable, the equipment installation layout was feasible, and the finite element method can effectively improve the design efficiency and quality, providing favorable reference for the design and verification of similar products.