The development of magnetic materials for modern technology has become a prominent research area due to the rapid growth of modern civilization. Spinel ferrites (ferrimagnetic materials) have good magnetic, structural, optical, electrical, and dielectric properties that make them suitable for potential applications in modern devices. For this reason, the development of ferrites is a big challenge for material researchers. Nowadays, researchers are very much familiar with using rare earth materials as a doping element for the enhancement of the magnetic properties of a ferrite. Rare earth (RE) ions have the ability to tailor the magnetic properties of a ferrite. In this review, we mention how RE ions influence the magnetic hysteresis loop properties of a ferrite. To get an overview, we listed the chemical composition, RE ratio (x), preparation method, annealing temperature (TS), crystallite size (D), saturation magnetization (MS), remanent magnetization (Mr), coercive force (HC), squareness ratio (SQR), magnetic moment (nB), and anisotropy constant (K) of the ferrites in a table. We also represent the properties of the M−H loop with figure and try to summarize the doping effect of RE ions in spinel ferrites. This review article has covered a number of significant RE doped spinel ferrites issues that will aid researchers in their future work on this vital topic for the development of magnetic materials and applications.