Magnetic bimerons, solitonic spin textures with the same topology as skyrmions, have attracted attention for their potential in spintronic applications. In this work, we explore the stabilization conditions and energy characteristics of bimerons in a circular nanodot through micromagnetic simulations and analytical calculations. We examine the dependence of the size, position, and orientation of the meron and antimeron cores on the anisotropy-induced easy-axis. Our results demonstrate that the bimeron orientation relative to the surrounding homogeneous state is strongly influenced by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction type. Additionally, we show a non-reciprocal energy dependence on the bimeron's position within the nanodot. We also obtain that the bimeron size decreases with increasing anisotropy, while its equilibrium position is displaced from the nanodot center. Furthermore, an analysis of energy barriers reveals that bimeron contraction is the dominant annihilation mechanism under thermal fluctuations. These insights are valuable for developing magnetic devices that require precise control of topological spin textures.