Mobile phones have turned into a highly essential device for numerous individuals. Swift innovation and decrease in in-use lifespan have increased the generation of end-of-life mobile phones (EOL-MPs). Lesser formal recycling of EOL-MPs has detrimental outcomes on the environment, human health, and circular economy. Therefore, this research was undertaken to investigate factors impacting mobile phone users' behavioural intention to give their EOL-MPs for formal recycling. The conceptual model was developed by integrating the theory of planned behaviour, norm activation model, and value-belief-norm theory. Responses were collected from mobile phone users aged 18 and above residing in Bengaluru, Mangaluru, and Huballi-Dharvad cities of Karnataka state, India. 1135 responses were analysed by applying partial least squares structural equation modelling. Incentives was figured out to be the most positively impacting construct on behavioural intention. Followed by awareness of consequences, social media, past recycling experience, and recycling attitude. Whereas risk perception regarding information security and convenience of recycling negatively impacts behavioural intention. Personal norms get activated by awareness of consequences and ascription of responsibility. As a result, personal norms positively impact behavioural intention. In addition, biospheric values also positively impact personal norms. The outcomes of PLSpredict signify that the conceptual model has high out-of-sample predictive power. The outcomes of this research can be utilized by various stakeholders like e-waste collection organisations, e-waste recycling organisations, mobile phone manufacturing companies, city corporations, educational institutions, etc for improving sustainable end-of-life management of EOL-MPs.