How to quantitatively study the internal relationship between the architectural forms in residential areas and thermal comfort is a burning issue to be solved. In this study, we put forward the optimization strategies for three-dimensional architectural forms on improving the thermal comfort at the community scale taking into account both summer and winter seasons comprehensively. Based on 60 selected residential areas in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, a regression model between the thermal comfort index “the physiological equivalent temperature” (PET) and architectural forms in winter and summer was developed in terms of multiple linear regression analysis. With the use of the analytic hierarchy process and constructed regression model, a comprehensive thermal comfort index for the micro-thermal environment of the residential area, PETCI, was established, in which multiple architectural form indices and two seasons are considered. The optimization strategies for the architectural forms in residential areas were then proposed. And the optimization strategies application in a real case was numerically investigated via software ENVI-met. The results indicated that the building density had the largest impact on the PETCI for various architectural forms, followed by the floor area ratio (FAR), building dispersion, building group direction, sky view factor (SVF) and building height dispersion. After optimization, PET reduction values in winter and in summer were 0.3/16 (°C/h∙m2) and 0.8/16 (°C/h∙m2), respectively. The micro-thermal environment could be optimized as 0.448/16 (°C/h∙m2) of outdoor space in a given residential area. Therefore, the optimization strategies could be effective in architectural form planning of residential areas.