No therapy in multiple myeloma has been as extensively investigated as stem cell transplantation following high-dose chemotherapy. A search of the national library of medicine in February 2023 revealed over 27,000 publications covering stem cell transplantation. No other treatment for multiple myeloma has been so vigorously investigated. However, given the rapid advances seen in the treatment of multiple myeloma, it is legitimate to ask whether the technique first introduced in 1983 by Thomas McIlwain still has relevance. In 1984,Barlogie introduced infusional vincristine , doxorubicin , and dexamethasone and in 1986 published a first series on high-dose therapy with autologous marrow-derived stem cells. At this point, the only available therapies were melphalan , prednisone , other intensive steroids such as methylprednisolone , and interferon . Cyclophosphamide was used both orally and parenterally. VBMCP was introduced as a combination therapy at Memorial Hospital subsequently shown not to be superior to melphalan and prednisone.