In this paper, we present a coupling potential and Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) approach for the analysis of propeller loading and propulsion performance at self-propulsion condition. There is a presentation of a combination of unsteady RANS method for ship flow with free surface taking into account by volume of fluid method and Lifting Line Model for propeller operating behind ship. An intensified coupling strategy is proposed to simulate the propeller effect in the ship wake. The effective wake is re-examined through the iterations, and there is a presentation of the spatial distribution of propeller forces. Propeller unsteady loading of KCS test case is predicted by flow field from both Full RANS and the Coupling method and compared to experiment results. A circulation-based analysis is made to scrutinize the spatial distribution of propeller loading. The simulation results prove that the coupling method can estimate propeller’s loading and effect on averaged flow field. Ultimately, the coupling method is applied to design an optimal propeller accounting for hull–propeller interaction, which shows its potential for further integrated optimization application.