The specific nitrate reduction pathway in Pseudomonas putida Y-9 under aerobic conditions was studied. Strain Y-9 removed 82% of the nitrate accompanied by an accumulation of ammonium and a decrease of total nitrogen. Ammonium inhibited nitrate transformation (removal efficiency was 22.65%), illustrating that nitrate assimilation exists in strain Y-9. The detectable ammonium in the supernatant during the nitrate reduction process came from intracellular locations in strain Y-9. The nirBD that encodes nitrite reductase had an important role in strain growth and ammonium production. A 15N isotope experiment demonstrated that strain Y-9 can conduct dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and nirBD controls this process. This further indicated that the loss of total nitrogen is due to denitrification. All results highlighted that strain Y-9 performs simultaneous nitrate assimilation, DNRA, and denitrification under aerobic conditions, and nirBD controls the assimilation and DNRA process. Thereinto, nitrate assimilation dominates the removal of nitrate.