In this letter, we investigate the robust and secure beamforming (RSBF) in an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) aided millimeter wave (mmWave) multiple input single output (MISO) system, where multiple single antenna eavesdroppers (Eves) are arbitrarily distributed nearby the legitimate receiver (Bob). Considering the channel state information (CSI) of cascaded wiretap channels is imperfectly known at the legitimate transmitter (Alice), the RSBF design problems to maximize the worst case of achievable secrecy rate (ASR) are formulated under the total transmission power and unit-modulus constraints. Since the problems are difficult to solve optimally due to their non-convexity and coupled variables, we substitute the wiretap channels by a weighted combination of discrete samples and propose a RSBF scheme based on alternating optimization and semidefinite relaxation (SDR) techniques, for both colluding and noncolluding eavesdropping scenarios. Simulation results show that the proposed RSBF scheme can effectively improve the ASR and also outperforms other benchmark schemes.