The pot experiment was conducted to assess the effect of organic amendments to improve leaf chlorophyll and water content as well as mineral ions accumulation in BARI soybean 5 under saline condition.Two types of organic amendments i. water hyacinth compost ii.rice husk biochar were mixed in soil at 5 tha -1 and 10 tha -1 of both.Irrigation was done with 50 and 100 mM saline solution from 14 th days after sowing (DAS) to maturity, where control plants were irrigated with tap water.Data on chlorophyll content, exudation rate, relative water content (RWC), water retention capacity (WRC) in leaf were measured at flowering stage as well as Na, K, Ca, Mg and Na: K ratio in leaf and stem were also recorded at harvest.Results revealed that salinity decreased chlorophyll content, exudation rate, relative water content, water retention capacity and K, Ca, Mg content in leaf and stem of soybean plant.Water hyacinth compost and rice husk biochar had positive effects to mitigate negative effects of salinity on soybean plant.However, rice husk biochar at 5 tha -1 showed best result to mitigate salinity stress on soybean at low salinity (50 mM) condition.