Th e aim of the present study is to adapt a scale of self-eff icacy towards online technologies which was developed by Miltiadou and Yu (2000) to Turkish. In order to adapt the scale, first, the scale items were translated to Turkish by the researchers. Th en, a translation form was further developed by consulting eight specialists. Th ese English and Turkish forms were both responded by 30 undergraduate students at Middle East Technical University, department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology with two-week intervals, respectively. Two forms were accepted as equal since the correlation between them was .89. Th e Turkish version of the scale was implemented on 276 students who took the course in an online environment for validity and reliability studies. Th e scale has four factors, which was found as result of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. In its original form for the whole scale, the Cronbach alpha value was calculated as .95. In the Turkish version of the scale, alpha value was calculated as .94. Th erefore, it can be concluded that the Turkish version of the scale was reliable and valid.