Abstract With a goal to improve the overall reliability of moorings used by MODUs (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units), this paper reviews gaps and issues in design standards and operation practices. MODU moorings stay at one location for a short term, compared to tens of years for permanent moorings on production facilities. While the exposure time to the environment is relatively shorter, mobile moorings have been seen to experience a sizable number of failures ironically. Probability of failure has been high on the order of 10−2. Improving reliability of MODU moorings may be achieved through two sides, i.e. better design standards and more rigorous operation practices. On the design side, there appears to be a lack of clear guidance on designing a mobile mooring system to a proper return period. The gap is prominent especially for moorings in tropical cyclone (aka hurricane or typhoon) areas. Current industry codes and standards do not have a clear guidance on what return period shall be used as a minimum to account for the risk associated with close proximity and failure consequence. Some guidance is provided in API RP-2SK, but it is limited to applications in Gulf of Mexico. This paper attempts to close the gap by proposing minimum return periods to be used and requiring a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) to justify the numbers for any region with tropical cyclones. Guidance on performing a QRA is provided, and aspects on how to produce trustworthy results are discussed. On the operation practice side, issues and gaps are identified and reviewed. Often times, MODU moorings do not receive a sufficient amount of attention in system design, deployment, inspection, and equipment maintenance. Common issues are summarized to raise awareness and best practices are presented.