Al 2 O 3 coating is chemically unstable in hot water and transforms into a porous structure with a broadband anti-reflection (AR) property. We investigate the influences of treatment time on the AR property and structure morphology of the Al 2 O 3 coating deposited by electron beam evaporation. Al 2 O 3 coating treated for 7 minutes is found to possess the best AR property with an average reflectance of approximately 0.3% in the wavelength range of 350 nm to 1100 nm. The genetic algorithm simulation shows the treated Al 2 O 3 coating possesses a graded-refractive index profile. The scattering calculation shows a large scattering in the short wavelength range. Moreover, we investigate the laser-resistance of the treated Al 2 O 3 coating, and it shows the potential for application in laser systems.