Stem cells immortalized by hTERT perform differently from those immortalized by SV40LT in proliferation, differentiation, and reconstruction of matrix microenvironment
Although matrix microenvironment has the potential to improve expanded stem cell proliferation and differentiation capacity, decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) deposited by senescent cells does not contribute to the rejuvenation of adult stem cells, which has become a barrier to personalized stem cell therapy. Genetic modification is an effective strategy to protect cells from senescence but it carries the increased risk of malignant transformation and genetic instability. In this study, lentivirus carrying either human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) or simian virus 40 large T antigen (SV40LT) was used to transduce human infrapatellar fat pad-derived stem cells (IPFSCs). We found that virus transduction modified the proliferative, chondrogenic, and adipogenic abilities of IPFSCs. Interestingly, dECM deposited by immortalized cells significantly influenced replicative senescent IPFSCs in proliferation and differentiation preference, the effect of which is hinged on the approach of immortalization using either SV40LT or hTERT. Our findings indicate both dECM expansion and immortalization strategies can be used for replicative senescent adult stem cells' proliferation and lineage-specific differentiation, which benefits future stem cell-based tissue regeneration. This approach may also work for adult stem cells with premature senescence in elderly/aged patients, which needs further investigation. Adult stem cells are a promising solution for autologous cell-based therapy. Unfortunately, cell senescence due to donor age and/or ex vivo expansion prevents clinical application. Recent progress with decellularized extracellular matrix provides a potential for the rejuvenation of senescent stem cells by improving their proliferation and differentiation capacities. Given the fact that the young matrix can provide a healthy and energetic microenvironment, in this study, two approaches using lentivirus transduction of hTERT and SV40LT were compared. The goal was to immortalize donor cells for deposition of decellularized extracellular matrix. The matrix was demonstrated to contribute diverging effects on the chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation of expanded stem cells and exhibited proliferation benefits as well. These findings provide an invaluable asset for stem cell-based tissue regeneration.