The effects of gradual replacement of barley with oats on enteric methane emissions, rumen fermentation, milk production, and energy utilization in dairy cows.
ABSTRACT This study evaluated the effects of gradual replacement of barley with oats on enteric CH4 emissions, rumen fermentation, diet digestibility, milk production, and energy utilization in dairy cows fed a grass silage-based diet. Sixteen lactating Nordic Red dairy cows received a total mixed ration [58:42 forage:concentrate on dry matter (DM) basis]. Grass silage (Phleum pratense) was the sole forage with canola meal (10% of diet DM) as a protein supplement. The effects of gradual replacement of barley with oats on DM basis were evaluated using a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21 d periods. The grain supplements (30% of diet DM) consisted of 100% barley, 67% barley and 33% oats, 33% barley and 67% oats, and 100% oats. In addition to intake, milk production, and digestibility measurements, CH4 emissions were measured by the GreenFeed system (C-Lock Inc.). The energy metabolism was estimated from the gas exchange measurements recorded by the GreenFeed unit. The last 10 d of each period were used for recordings of gas exchanges, feed intake and milk production. Dry matter intake, body weight, milk yield, and energy-corrected milk yield were not affected by gradual replacement of barley with oats in the diet. Increased inclusion of oats linearly decreased CH4 emissions from 467 to 445 g/d, and CH4 intensity from 14.7 to 14.0 g/kg energy-corrected milk. In addition, the ratio of CH4 to CO2 decreased with increasing inclusion of oats in the diet. Digestibility of organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, and potentially digestible neutral detergent fiber decreased linearly with increasing inclusion of oats. Increased inclusion of oats linearly increased fecal energy from 121 to 133 MJ/d, whereas urinary energy and heat production were not affected by dietary treatment. This resulted in a linear decrease in metabolizable energy intake. However, increased levels of oat in the diet did not significantly affect energy balance or efficiency of metabolizable energy utilization for lactation. This study concludes that barley could be replaced with oats in the diet of dairy cows fed a grass silage-based diet to mitigate CH4 emissions without having any adverse effects on productivity or energy balance. However, the effect of replacing barley with oats on CH4 emissions is dependent on the differences between barley and oats in the concentrations of indigestible neutral detergent fiber and fat.