Topology optimization (TO) is a mathematical method that optimizes the material layout in a pre-defined design domain. Its theoretical background is widely known for macro-, meso-, and microscale levels of a structure. The macroscale TO is now available in the majority of commercial TO software, while only a few software packages offer a mesoscale TO with the design and optimization of lattice structures. However, they still lack a practical simultaneous macro–mesoscale TO. It is not clear to the designers how they can combine and apply TO at different levels. In this paper, a two-scale TO is conducted using the homogenization theory at both the macro- and mesoscale structural levels. In this way, the benefits of the existence and optimization of mesoscale structures were researched. For this reason, as a case study, a commercial example of the known jet engine bracket from General Electric (GE bracket) was used. Different optimization workflows were implemented in order to develop alternative design concepts of the same mass. The design concepts were compared with respect to their weight, strength, and simulation time for the given load cases. In addition, the lightest design concept among them was identified.