This Chapter Contains Sections titled: Reviews, Accounts, and Highlights Oxidation and Reduction by Metal Ions and Related Species Chromium, Manganese, and Nickel Copper, Silver, Gold, and Thallium Cerium, Samarium, Titanium, Cobalt, Vanadium, Tungsten, Rhenium, and Molybdenum Group VIII Metals: Iron, Palladium, Rhodium, Ruthenium, and Osmium Oxidation and Reduction by Compounds of Non-metallic Elements Sulfur and Boron Halogens Ozonolysis and Ozonation Peracids and Peroxides Singlet Oxygen Triplet Oxygen and Autoxidation Other Oxidations Reductions Other Reactions References This chapter provides a survey of the developed synthetic systems by giving an overview of the copper-catalysed decarboxylation reactions involving aromatic hetero acids, protodecarboxylations, redox-neutral decarboxylative couplings, and oxidative decarboxylative coupling reactions. It gives a brief account of the early breakthroughs from the first reports to the advent of chiral Crabtree-like catalysts by giving a perspective on evolution and prospects of the asymmetric hydrogenation of unfunctionalized olefins. The chapter focuses on the more recent advances in the field, such as the latest developed classes of ligands and the opportunity to employ more earth-abundant metals. It presents a brief recount of the breakthroughs in functionalized and unfunctionalized tetrasubstituted olefins to the advent of chiral phosphoramidite ligands. The chapter also focuses on the complexity and challenges of inducing an asymmetric reduction for these substrates, which includes a brief discussion of the mechanism, through the latest developed chiral catalysts.