(Cell 175, 1336–1351.e1–e17; November 15, 2018) During preparation of the figures of this paper, we made an error in the upper right panel of Figure 4E. This panel shows the quantitative analysis of membrane IFN-γR2+ peritoneal macrophages from HSC transplanted mice prior to the infection with Listeria monocytogenes. The flow cytometry output (FCS file) in the upper right panel was accidentally duplicated from the FCS file of the upper left panel. However, the gating applied in the processing of the data was different, resulting in different gated percentage. Hence, the data in this (upper right) panel are incorrect and the corrected version of Figure 4E shown here includes the correct CD45.1 WT HSC→Sele−/− at time point of day 0. We apologize for the error and for any inconvenience that they may have caused. Phosphorylation-Mediated IFN-γR2 Membrane Translocation Is Required to Activate Macrophage Innate ResponseXu et al.CellOctober 11, 2018In BriefMembrane translocation of cytoplasmic IFN-γR2 is a critical step for the activation of macrophage innate response against intracellular bacterial infection. Full-Text PDF Open Archive