Most follicular lymphomas (FL) show t(14;18)/IGH-BCL2 translocation, but rearrangement (R) negative cases exist. A series of 140 FL patients with a BCL2, BCL6, and MYC gene status examined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) were classified into five groups: (a) BCL2-R group (BCL2-R/BCL6-G/MYC-G) (G, germline), 77 cases; (b) BCL2/BCL6 double-R group (BCL2-R/BCL6-R/MYC-G), 16 cases; (c) BCL6-R group (BCL2-G/BCL6-R/MYC-G), 16 cases; (d) MYC-R group (BCL2-R or G/BCL6-R or G/MYC-R), three cases; (e) Triple-G group (BCL2-G/BCL6-G/MYC-G), 28 cases. The BCL6-R group had different clinicopathological characteristics. It showed lower rates of an advanced clinical stage and bone marrow invasion, less disease progression (p = 0.036), and a 'trend' toward a favorable progression-free survival (PFS) (p = 0.06). It also showed higher rates of grade 3A and MUM1-expression, and when analyzing the interfollicular spread pattern of CD20-positive cells, had fewer cases showing the IF3+ pattern (high interfollicular spread). Moreover, cases with BCL6-R and/or BCL6 gain (with cases of BCL2 rearrangement and/or of copy number gain excluded) correlated with favorable PFS (p = 0.014) and less IF3+ pattern (p = 0.007). We demonstrated that BCL6-R FLs showed unique clinicopathological findings, and FISH of BCL2, BCL6, and MYC is useful for FL diagnosis and clinical management.