AbstractThe high-temperature mechanical behaviour of copper, Cu–Al alloys, and nickel has been examined using torsional testing with hollow testpieces in conjunction with microstructural observations on deformed and quenched specimens using both optical and electron microscopy. Dynamic recrystallization occurred in these materials as the restoration process during high-temperature deformation. The factors influencing dynamic recrystallization have been considered, including materials of high stacking fault energy. It was found that the regime of dynamic recrystallization and the transition in flow stress behaviour could be reasonably represented in terms of the Zener–Hollomon parameter. In Cu–Al solid solution alloys, although the addition of the solute aluminium into copper lowered the stacking fault energy, dynamic recrystallization was retarded to higher strains due to the reduced mobility of the grain boundary. By mechanical and microstructural analysis of the behaviour of various single phase metals and alloys during dynamic recrystallization, the factors influencing the behaviour (i.e. stacking fault energy (solute elements), Zener–Hollomon parameter (deformation condition), and strain) can be summarized on a three dimensional schematic.MST/587